É uma das mais respeitadas vozes na comunidade mundial de WordPress. Búlgaro, Mario Peshev esteve no WordCamp do Porto em 2013. Foi a sua primeira visita a Portugal mas não deverá ter sido a última.
Na preparação do WordCamp Lisboa 2015 pedimos-lhe um curto testemunho. Ele aceitou o desafio.
One of the nicest and friendliest communities
The community in Portugal is one of the nicest and friendliest communities that I have ever seen. I spoke at WordCamp Porto 2013 and I had a great time with the local WordPress experts and enthusiasts. It’s been a pleasure and I can definitely recommend you to attend WordCamp Lisboa 2015 in May!
There are plenty of experienced and passionate people in Portugal preaching WordPress and covering technical, business and design topics during a WordCamp. You can meet great professionals, learn a lot about WordPress and brainstorm on the latest changes coming in the next versions of the platform.