Lisboa 2025
May 16th and 17th
16 e 17 de MaioPhoto by Michiel Annaert on Unsplash
2 dias de talks, workshops, contribuição, networking e uma espectacular after-party. Tudo sobre WordPress e não só.
Utilizas o WordPress?
Prepara-te para mais uma edição do WordCamp Lisboa, o maior evento dedicado ao WordPress em Portugal. Assiste às palestras sobre Marketing, SEO, comércio electrónico, tecnologia, conteúdo e tudo o que está relacionado com o WordPress e a web. Participa nos workshops, contribui para este projecto open source e faz networking com a TUA comunidade.
Queremos que o WordCamp Lisboa seja um evento inclusivo e acessível. Gostávamos de receber participantes, oradores, voluntários e patrocinadores que representem a diversidade da comunidade, independentemente do nível de experiência e formação.

2 days of talks, workshops, contribution, networking and a spectacular after-party. Everything about WordPress and beyond.
Are you a nomad or immigrant in the Lisbon area?
Join us in WordCamp Lisboa 2025 and connect with YOUR local community. A WordCamp is always an inclusive event, now imagine mixing that with the welcoming, easy-going and friendly Portuguese people. It’s a no-brainer!
Are you from abroad?
A WordCamp is, by definition, a local event, but we welcome everyone to meet and exchange knowledge with our community. Lisbon and Portugal are the perfect warm-up for WordCamp Europe 2025 in Basel, Switzerland, which will happen 3 weeks later. Come here, enjoy WordCamp Lisboa 2025, spend some time exploring this beautiful city and country, and then fly to Basel, explore for a while and attend WordCamp Europe 2025.
We want WordCamp Lisboa to be an inclusive and accessible event. We would like to have attendees, speakers, volunteers and sponsors that represent the diversity of the community, regardless of experience level and background.

Anne-Mieke Bovelett será oradora no WordCamp Lisboa 2025!
Anne-Mieke Bovelett is speaking at WordCamp Lisboa 2025!
Ryan Welcher is Speaking at WordCamp Lisboa 2025!
Ryan Welcher vai estar no WordCamp Lisboa 2025!
Call for Volunteers is now open!
Chamada para Voluntários já está aberta!
Power WordCamp Lisboa 2025 as a Sponsor
Dê Poder ao WordCamp Lisboa 2025 como Patrocinador
O WordCamp Lisboa 2025 Está a Chegar!
WordCamp Lisbon 2025 is Coming!