WordPress is planning to raise its minimum PHP version requirement and if all goes according to plan, we will have a required minimum of PHP 7+ for December 2019. Few plugin developers currently know how to make the best use of the language features that PHP 7.2+ provides. That’s why I worked on a new …
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WP Snapshots
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Moving your code to modern PHP
At the State of the Word, it was announced that one of the upcoming focuses of the WordPress project is raising the minimum version requirement of PHP. WordPress core is already PHP7.3 compatible but are your plugins and themes? In this talk, Jenny will be looking at the steps needed to check if plugins and …
Core Js Workflow
Why and how to do a website health check
Maintenance of your website is important but can be confusing, especially when you are not a developer. During the talk, Jenny will be sharing with us why site health checks are important to everyone. She will go through the consequences that can happen with an un-maintained website, and how you can perform a review yourself.
A minha primeira aplicação móvel com WordPress
Nesta apresentação pretendo demonstrar produtos que, com a ajuda do WordPress, permitem construir aplicações móveis sem necessidade de programar. O objetivo é criar uma “aplicação móvel de um site”, onde os últimos posts e categorias podem ser vistos diretamente numa aplicação móvel para iOS e Android e dar a conhecer outras funcionalidades relacionadas.
Laravel, WordPress e a API REST: usando WordPress como xestor de contidos en aplicacións Laravel
Laravel é actualmente o framework PHP máis popular. Utilízase, entre outras moitas funcionalidades, para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións web a medida. Ás veces, dentro dunha destas aplicacións a medida, temos que integrar elementos como páxinas informativas ou blogs, que son un dos puntos fortes de WordPress. Nesta sesión vou a explicar como desenvolver unha aplicación …
Testing components with react-testing-library
Frontend test automation seems hard but it’s only as hard as you make it. Are you bogged down by endless component tests and still not sure your application won’t break? Let’s hear the advantages of testing your frontend from the perspective of the people using it, and bust some myths about unit testing and the …
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