Work smart with Gutenberg

Gutenberg, Blocos, React, ECMAScript 2015+, Babel, Web Components Webpack, NPM… What the heck?! Finalmente Gutenberg foi lançado no último ano e com ele uma série de novas tecnologias foram introduzidas no mundo WordPress. Como você pode acompanhar todas essas tecnologias e ainda se adaptar a esse novo paradigma de estruturas de temas. Nessa apresentação irei …

Kill ‘em with kindness

In a stage dialogue we portray two different characters: “the client” and “the web-agency”. We reveal the most common reasons for client/customer crises. These almost always arise through a completely different understanding of words, tasks, meanings and expectations. Surprisingly the cause is not often that the other party is simply very stupid! This discovery helps …

Creating great (admin) interfaces with WordPress

I want to target the problem of creating really efficient and easy-to-use admin interfaces with WordPress, that covers many adjacent topics: theme development, proper custom post types handling and custom taxonomies implementation, proper custom fields integration and usage and, of course, human-centred routing problems.

From closed to open design

Design behind closed doors is holding designers and the design industry back. Like open source development, designing in the open increases the quality and trust in one’s work, and makes room for new jobs or clients. Even if designers can’t share the process and deliverables at their companies, there’s still a way: give back to …

WordCamp Lisboa 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!