Alexander Pichugin

Alexander Pichugin

Working with CX/UX design since 2008 and with product hacking since 2012. I had curated creation of branded banking cards for Absolut Bank, created information system architecture and overall UX for the city crowdsourcing portal for Yakutsk, elaborated dozen of investment presentations and startup pitch decks, participated in brand development and marketing activities for several emerging European and Russian brands and startups, created several products including mobile games, Gallerist – an art collection management app, Fin2You – financial advisor service. Since 2011 I’m co-leading an international strategic marketing and branding agency Great Crew which works with projects from 12 countries and growing. Since 2013 I’m living in Portugal, now based in Lisbon and getting a post-graduate degree in Smart Cities in addition to my Information Security and IT-management degrees and constant self-education via books, online courses and industry events.

Creating great (admin) interfaces with WordPress

The problem of creating really efficient and easy-to-use admin interfaces with WordPress, that covers many adjacent topics: theme development, proper custom post types handling and custom taxonomies implementation, proper custom fields integration and usage and, of course, human-centred routing problems.

A sessão aponta a programadores mas também a utilizadores finais do WordPress. A apresentação será em inglês.


Publicado por Jose Freitas

I help small and medium businesses to create communication strategies to have more customers and make more sales. WordPress sites are always in the center of the ecosystem. For 25 years I was a journalist. I'm a committed advocate of WordPress community as a way to change the world. One site at a time. Using WordPress since 2008.

WordCamp Lisboa 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!