Dave Lockie

Dave Lockie

Dave Lockie is Web3 Lead at Automattic. Born and raised in the UK, he now lives in Portugal.

Working with WordPress since 2007, Dave’s been a freelancer, agency owner and entrepreneur. In 2017 he became fascinated by crypto and found himself compulsively thinking about how his two technology passions would intersect. This has naturally evolved into curiosity about technological innovation and disruption both for WordPress and ultimately, humanity.

Dave is a deep thinker, experienced speaker and writer on how we can use technology to create a better world and loves helping people think beyond their day-to-day. He is an advisor to Adnode and has previously worked with WordProof, Grant for the Web, founded Pragmatic and is co-chair of the BIMA Web3 council.

He’s loving his family’s new life in Portugal with more sunshine and more opportunities to be out in nature. Once worked as a herpetologist in Indonesia, running around the forest catching snakes, lizards and frogs. Now, music, food, reading, fitness, zoology and friends are all huge passions. Strong believer that pineapple does belong on pizza (just not all pizzas).
