Olga Kuvshinova

Olga Kuvshinova

Olga started her journey with WordPress in 2015 and joined Saucal, WooExperts, in 2016. She worked as a Project manager, managing a delivery team for years. Then she moved to the role of Success Manager, covering all the recruiting, hiring, and staff success for the fully remote team. Since Olga joined Saucal, the team has grown from five to 23 staff members, from four to nine countries, and from three to seven time zones!

Attended her first WordCamp in Toronto, Canada in 2016 where she was a volunteer. She joined the Portuguese WordPress community in 2017 as a volunteer at WordCamp Lisbon and has been an active member ever since. Olga was a Speaker at WordCamp Porto 2018 and WordCamp Lisbon 2019. She also co-ran a workshop at WordCamp Lisbon 2019. Was an organizer of WCEU 2020 and 2021.
